In recent months Russia has tightened its internal measures to keep under control those who challenged the political predominance of president Putin. This was to be seen most evidently after the street demonstrations against the alleged election fraud by Russian authorities. Other legal measures followed, aimed at reducing the presumed interference in Russian politics of foreign institutions (such as US Aid or the US-financed Russian NGO “Golos”) which, as well as offering humanitarian aid, also aimed at spreading democracy in the country. Internal censorship has also become harsher. There are several reasons behind this choice: the will to take on a hard-line attitude towards foreign political interference, but also a reborn national pride, deeply rooted in the nation’s psychology. For the rest, the country seems to be continuing its modernization process, strongly willed by the state and largely based on economic resources derived from the huge profits coming from the energy sector.
Articoli :
- Il problema dell’enclave russa di Kaliningrad visto dalla stampa tedesca di destra. Das Ostpreussenblatt e Junge Freiheit CLICK LINK TO READ THE ARTICLE
- The problem of the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad seen by the German right-winged press “Das Ostpreussenblatt” and “Junge Freiheit” LINK eng.
Putin alla riscossa Leggi l’articolo completo LINK
Date | Description | Link |
March 2012 | The Difficult Relations Between the EU and the Russian Federation | Click HERE to read the article |
March 2012 | The strategic meaning of Russia-Iran relations | Click HERE to read the article |
March 2012 | Energy – new proposal | Click HERE to read the article |
March 2012 | Germany foreign policy – New positions | Click HERE to read the article |